Bouquet: Fragrance eCommerce

Academic Project: HCID 512 Interface Lab

Bouquet: Fragrance eCommerce

Academic Project: HCID 512 Interface Lab

Bouquet: Fragrance eCommerce

Academic Project: HCID 512 Interface Lab


In collaboration with a design partner, I embarked on a transformative project to reimagine the online shopping experience for a fragrance-focused e-commerce website for the class HCID 512: Interface Design Lab.


Interaction Designer

UX Designer


Addy Elketami

Matthieu Reed


Competitive Analysis

Design Brief

Information Archietcture


Stule Guide

Design System

Logical Prototype


Usablity Testing

Concept Testing

Next Steps


Currently, the experience of shopping online for fine fragrances is lacking due to inconsistencies within fragrance retailers’ websites as well as the overall look and feel.

People using public transit want to know how crowded their train might be when taking a trip so that they can better plan but currently, there is no way for customers to receive information about crowding levels on Sound Transit services. 


Make a consistent fragrance e-commerce website with a contemporary luxurious feel and streamlined user experience. Fragrance is art.

Project Goals

  • Create a web and mobile site that improves on the digital shopping experience for fine fragrances.

  • Design for 3 main user flows homepage to product detail page, product detail page through checkout, and sign up/sign in.

  • Use common e-commerce design patterns.

  • Create micro-interactions and an in-depth prototype for account sign-in and sign-up.

How might we… ...Improve the experience of shopping from an online retailer for fine fragrances.


Competitive Analysis

We conducted a competitive analysis of fine fragrance retailers, focusing on design, search, product page, checkout, and unique features. Fragrance marketplaces lack cohesive design, detailed product pages, and effective search. Brand-specific sites perform better but offer fewer products.


From the Competitive Analysis: 

Fragrance marketplaces lack cohesive design, detailed product pages, and effective search. Brand-specific sites perform better but offer fewer products.


Competitive Analysis

We conducted a competitive analysis of fine fragrance retailers, focusing on design, search, product page, checkout, and unique features. Fragrance marketplaces lack cohesive design, detailed product pages, and effective search. Brand-specific sites perform better but offer fewer products.


From the Competitive Analysis: 

Fragrance marketplaces lack cohesive design, detailed product pages, and effective search. Brand-specific sites perform better but offer fewer products.


Information Architecture

Site-wide information architecture was built after assessing information needs from the perspective of two user categories. It was then refined based on team feedback.


Each screen for desktop and mobile was wireframed to map out the logical structure of the user journey, critiqued, then iterated upon.

Product Listing Page

Ideating for product listing page. Two version were created exploring differing browsing navigation styles. Ultimately version 2 navigation was chosen due to it's simplicity and ability to specially account for sorting in search.

Product Detail Page

Ideating for detail pages. Two version were created exploring diferent ways to communicate more information about the product.

Sign In/ Sign Up Page

Ideating for sign-in page. Two versions were created exploring different ways to build a sign-in/sign-up form. The second version using tabs was chosen to be in line with the site-wide minimal aesthetic and avoidance of visual clutter.

Mobile Wireframes

Below are the mobile wireframes meant to match the general layout of the desktop site but using a more vertical two column layout rather than the desktop 4 column layout.

Style Guide

A style guide was established to promote consistency throughout the web experience. Inluding gride, typography, and colors.

Higher Fidelity

Prototype Video

Logical Prototyping in

A Closer Look at some Screens…

Interactive Mobile Prototype

Interactive Desktop Prototype


Because this was a project more focused on an aesthetic and technical design process user testing was not conducted. Most feedback for iterations was given during formal and informal design reviews and critique by peers and faculty.


This project was a great excercise in creating an end-to-end user e-commerce experience and including branding and aesthetics as well as functionality. Some key takeaways:

  • Importance of organization in design system creation.

  • Role of content organization in e-commerce UX.

  • Value of design reviews for iterative improvement.

Next Steps

  • Conduct real user task analysis and usability tests to validate and refine prototypes.



This project was a great excercise in creating an end-to-end user e-commerce experience and including branding and aesthetics as well as functionality. Some key takeaways:

  • Importance of organization in design system creation.

  • Role of content organization in e-commerce UX.

  • Value of design reviews for iterative improvement.

Next Steps

  • Conduct real user task analysis and usability tests to validate and refine prototypes.
